What’s happening with partner visa applications in 2020?
Dear Readers,
It’s been a while but it doesn’t mean we haven’t been busy working with some of you behind the scenes.
It was actually really busy in the 2 months leading up to Christmas with many statutory declaration reviews and a few last minute application reviews .
The benefit of doing a lot of these reviews is that I’m able to see where the most common pitfalls are. A lot of couples have similar questions and many still struggle with writing something adequate in their statutory declarations or personal written statements to address the 4 aspects of the relationship.
The 4 aspects of the relationship are key when it comes to your partner visa application. You can read more about them here:
- Give Details Of The Social Aspects Of The Relationship
- Give Details Of The Nature Of The Commitment The Applicant And The Sponsor Have To Each Other
- Give Details Of The Nature Of The Household
- Give Details Of The Financial Aspects Of The Relationship
So while the first month of 2020 is almost at an end, I want you all to know that we’re working hard behind the scenes to deliver you an even better, more useful book on how to lodge a successful partner visa application.
As always, we love hearing from our readers so please keep your questions coming and I will continue to answer them as much as I can. For the common questions, check out the Thursday Answers because I might have covered it already.
I would also like to thank all the readers who keep me updated on their application’s progress and especially to those emails at 2am on a Saturday telling me that they’ve had their visas granted! Waking up and reading those emails, seeing how I have made a small difference in someone’s life really sets the tone for the day.
I am over the moon when I read that another couple received their 820 visa grant so please keep them coming, because that is why I write!
What’s in store for 2020?
Well as I’ve said on the Facebook page, I’m busy writing and compiling the 2020 edition of the book and I can’t do it without my dear readers. I always develop the next edition of the book (and supplementary guides) in consultation with my readers because after all, you are the ones that will be using the book.
So let me know other resources you want, how I can better help you understand the process and any questions that you might want answers to. You might think they’re unique to you now but you’d be surprised at how many people are going through the exact same situation as you! If we can help each other, we can go through this journey together and we won’t feel so overwhelmed with the entire process.
Let me know in the comments or the Facebook page what you’d like to see more of, or email me your questions and let’s build the next edition together!