Social Responsibility and Financial Aid Programmes – Get Help With Fees
In my previous post, I wrote about how some couples are working 3 jobs just to pay for the partner visa application fees. I received an overwhelming response from readers about how this has impacted them, particularly with the recent fee increase again (this time it’s a whopping $7,715, even more than we predicted).
All these stories made me think long and hard about how I can give more back to the community; to the people whose only crime was to fall in love with an Australian and want to be able to live in this beautiful country that we call home.
I had a discussion with the team and we are all of the same opinion that we could do more.
This is why I’m donating more of my time and services to partner visa applications.
Today I’m very proud to announce that we are launching 2 give back programmes called the Social Responsibility Programme and the Financial Aid Programme.
This is the first time that we’ve done anything like this (and probably the first to do this anywhere) so please bear with us as we grow with the programmes. There may be teething problems, technical problems and possibly a little disorder at first but we are excited (a little nervous), enthusiastic and committed to making these programmes a success.
Social Responsibility Programme
The Social Responsibility Programme is as the name suggests, our way to be socially responsible.
The Programme will give one couple, every month, the opportunity to receive an application review completely free of charge.
An application review is where we go through your entire application, including your statutory declarations and everything you will submit, and check it for accuracy, inconsistencies and suggest how you could improve it in line with the Australian Partner Visa Guide.
You can learn more about the application review service here.
Financial Aid Programme
The Financial Aid Programme is designed to help out struggling couples by granting them $200 AUD credit to use on products and services we provide.
Every month, 3 couples, will be selected to receive the $200 credit grant that they can use at any time whether to buy the book, use the statutory declaration review service or the application review service.
Selection Criteria and How to Apply
To apply, you simply need to fill in the application form and tell us why you would be a candidate for the programmes.
You only need to apply once to be considered for both programmes (applying more than once won’t increase your chances).
We will be selecting recipients every month on the 1st of the month and will contact each successful applicant.
You will need to confirm acceptance within 3 days. If you do not, then we will give your place to the next couple and so on and so forth till the month’s quota has been filled.
We accept applications from everyone and all year round.
We strongly encourage same-sex couples to apply as we are proud supporters of the LGBTQI community and understand the distinct disadvantages that this community faces, particularly in immigration matters.
We select recipients based on their responses to the questions so please be as detailed as you can be. Those facing hardships will be considered first but this doesn’t mean other applicants will be disadvantaged.
Further details and instructions are on the application form. Please read it carefully and please abide by the rules.
For these programmes to be successful and for us to keep providing it, we need to ensure their integrity. Only submit one application per couple. If we detect any fraud or misleading information in the applications, we maintain the right to withdraw funding and/or services.
Goodluck everyone and applications are open now!